Saturday, November 24, 2012

Big ski!

We drove up the Los Angeles Crest Highway yesterday. What a treat!
Designed and built on the first half of last century to be the most
scenic mountain road on the state. It is breath taking!

We met some friends form Jeff's office
Hiked up a bit and had a sunset grill picnic. Made a nice fire and
froze our butts just a bit for the chance to see lots of stars and a
gorgeous moon.

It's a special place. Shortly after taking the road cell signal
disappears and you get disconnected as well!

We kept repeating how come we have not made this drive before?
.... Well partly is we aim big! And usually got on far out
explorations. And the other part is that it was closed for a few years
due to the Station fire that ravaged the Los Angeles National Forest.
But it's been reopened for a couple of years now. So we are just
fools not to have enjoyed it before and often!

I mean, the I see hawks sing about it!

And to top it off we where back home in just an hour!

Well now we know. And I have a feeling we will enjoy the windy
mountain road more often!

Happy bday Sonya! Thought of you a lot up there. You would have
enjoyed this a ton too! Hugs!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The rain wont stop us!

So we got our boots on and went to pick out veggies, fruits, nuts and
eggs at our farmers market.

But the apparently knocking on the old truck was more fun than eating
samples all around!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Rain boots. Big time!

Para la mami chula paisajista!


What do you think of this lush number I'm having a landscaper gluttony
dream on?!

Rain boots!

She's got hers too! California rainy season here we come!

They are purple butterflies motives.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

She shucked us!

Wait? What? misspelling? no!!!

Raw oysters!!!  

"More!  More!"

So she had her fair share of 2 for each of us from the half dozen jeff got today. 

Amazing this kid. As if we need any excuse to go even more crazy about her?!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2.5 year old "month" letter

She's two and a half!!!!!!

Feels like a long time and not much at all at the same time.

We've noticed that the "Ph" words are sounding like P. for example:
pone (phone)...

Our little monkey has defined her taste a lot more. I can say she's
got a bit of a Tom boy stile, yet super cute at the same time. I'll
refrain from buying you shoes. You are quite picky about them.
Currently your Dr Seuss Convers are all you want to wear. As for
clothes if they have pockets, zippers and or any cool animal, rainbow
on them we are golden!

Purple still favorite color. Red is a new interest.

You're now into Cars, the Disney cartoon. And your "big baby" has
become a lovey (which you didn't have before), luckily she stays home
or in the car.

You still love to draw and will do so any time we offer it. Which is
great when you're trying to watch tv or play with the "monkey pone"
and we don't want you too.

You're starting to aim at drawing inside figures. Color them in. And
have pretty much down the drawing of a fish. Still your favorite.

You are fascinated with rainbows, clouds and the sky. And you notice
color changes and cloud shapes.

Hello kitty is also a fun friend on your clothing and stickers.

You love to do things by your self. And you are an amazing eater.
Hot and spicy things are a fun challenge.

You've had and enjoyed mussels, clams, shrimp, arugula, pomegranates,
salmon (finally may no longer be known as chicken too)! Recently
you've discovered PB&J sandwiches. But you do not like burgers.

And you love to call out shapes of your food as you take a bite. Like
a fig newton is a chair now. And then next bite a car ?!!

You know all sorts of geometric shapes like diamonds (rhomboid) and
can play with my iPhone -even change my settings, unaware. But quite

Best thing is that we can communicate with you what we need to or are
about to do. And with you being part of the decision making everything
usually runs smoothly. Avoiding tantrums. Yay!

At school your about to transition to the preschoolers room. The big
kids! You're the oldest in your class now and we can tell you are
ready. Mentally, emotionally (all your old friends are there now) and
physically: you are a bully with the swing. Yup.

Another great thing, you can tell us about you're day: like I played
with play-dough today. We sang "watermelon grows". Or jack bit my butt
and I pulled Allegra's hair!

Keep on growing little monkey!
We love you!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Media mitad!

Aquí esta la ostra doble que nos toco dichosamente! ;) manteniendo
la harmonía en los corazones.

I baked bread!

After a miss understanding the recipe and having to throw out yeast
and 2 hours! I called reinforcements (mom and friend Ola) and here is
the proud results! It's just like restaurant bread! Crusty and
super soft and moist inside!

Yay!!!!!!! That was a major challenge! So glad I did it!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The girls only!

Dah dah is in Indianapolis for work tonight. We gave each other pedis
(lucky me!) and ate tons of strawberries!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our little teacher

This week she's been guiding the circle time every day at pick up.

Es hereditario? como su abuela Lula. Y Kiki e Ignacio?!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

LCV Halloween party pix

From Martha Benedict. The turkey is Darlene, the director!

With the mic is James, the parents council president and I'm next to
him in purple. We were doing the raffle. Thankfully we had kids taking
the winning tickets for us, as we won a full year family membership to
the Natural history museum!! Dino's here we come!!!! Kiki and Nico,
get over here!

She doesn't like her picture taken...

When she's sitting in the potty. But she was to darn funny playing
with both her doll and her broom! I had to share.

First picture she hides. Second she expresses dislike. Third is "let
me see it" ;)

Yes! We got them hooked!

We invited friends thu Jeff's work, Shannon, Edwin and little Estella,
to our usual Alhambra farmers market and they loved it! Yay!!!!

I'm super happy for it. It's a great big yet small market with tons of
variety, good prices and increasingly more organic produce offer. Not
too crowded. Love it!

This is too enjoyable

Our strawberry monster pounding them down right by the fruit stand.