Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend recap

Monkey enjoys making a train with her rainbow of hot wheels. Cherries
are showing up at the farmers market! Yay! Abuela Vicky's favorite!
-she ate tons of pits. But she's learning to spit the back. I
wasn't able to keep up with her and removing the pit fast enough!

Purple onion. Still attached to head She was fascinated by it.

Finally it's time to over feed Negro. And sneak up a few of his dry
food nuggets. That bad breath doesn't lie. But neither did she when
I asked her if she did eat some! Too adorable.

Auto pass

"Auto pass" means apple sauce. Got it?! Ok. Good. No more confusion now.


Friday, April 27, 2012

awesome spring bird sighting... from our couch!

Can’t beat living in a tree house for a bird watcher who doesn’t have much time to go out and see the birds in full spring migration!

Here are my most recent and exciting sightings:

Western tanager, sorry I have only bad blurry pictures, so I will spare you the trouble. 

but here its a picture from another blogger... hope she doesn't mind. 
so i'm plugging her for image rights!

Cedar waxwings! I have been trying to spot them for years! Years!!!

First that one crashed onto our glass and I planted him under our lemon tree
And now they love to hang around our ash tree! It’s so cool to see them!

Check this bird out in full glory, photographed by our favorite bird photographer... ever! Mr. Cleve Nash.  It was thanks to him that I learned about this bird, and a few others.

And finally an Audubon's Warbler!

First time i saw it was at the Huntington’s cactus garden … hence the awesome pictures. But we have since spotted it around our home!

I hope i get too see some other beauties before they migrate away.. may have to get out of the house though!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

a petting zoo!

Little did we know our monkey was hanging out with a pony, a lamb, a turtle, bunnies, some silky chickens and a bunch of other critters today!

Thanks to teacher Connie for sending us these awesome pictures!
and thanks to La Casita Verde for keeping our monkey so entertained and exposed to new activities!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Drop off report.

Today jeff sent me this:

Drop off was fine.

Pulled up her own chair to wait at table for breakfast with everyone...

Monxxx is so cute.

Made sure she waved goodbye to me!

--- I think daddy is very cute too!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Al fin!!!!


El vestido florido que abuela vicky me dio hace un año al fin me
sirve!!!!! Y me lo pondré esta primavera y verano entero. De seguro!

Gracias abuela vicky chula!

Big girl now!

Look at this big ol' lady!

Favorite new shirt

I bought her this yellow bird tshirt on Friday. She had to wear it
right away. It's Sunday and she still won't let us take her shirt off.
Yes. No showers. Slept with it 4 times (nights and naps!)

Good weekend!

Friday, April 20, 2012

crazy hair day!

Mommy did a practice run the night before, then Dah dah had to implement his own version next morning (I had a 7 am meeting). Unfortunately she didn't get to go to la casita verde and have fun with her hairs, as she seemingly had a stomach flu or small food poisoning?! Thankfully it was not too bad and all was well shortly.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Reading daybed nook

This morning I finally put together a first pass to the reading nook
idea we had been tossing around for years.

Pulled out the sleeping bags. Couple of blankets, pillows, books and
soon enough magic is happening!

Cozy quality time!

Friday, April 13, 2012

happy 23 month!!!!!!

Dear Laurel, lady.

You are now almost 2 years old!
You can open doors –yes you open the front door and walk away!!! You talk a lot (no verbs yet) and we do still enjoy it when you break out in a conversation of sounds that only you think its saying something. It’s so fun to see you enjoy yourself ‘talking it up’!

You are an even more decided and determined little girl. You love to climb, jump, crawl thru things. Very acrobatic. Although you have a good sense of danger (phew). 

You still have those baby bits of chunk that I’m hanging on emotionally to keep you as my baby. The dimples on the knuckles of your hand, and elbows. The chunky wrinkly toes, the big puffy belly, and oh-so-grab-able butt and arms!

You love to pull up your shirt when you meet someone you like. It’s like a right of passage.

Going out for dinner is still challenging, as you want to be running around and show your belly to any diner  who will greet you back!  Literally you walk around saying hello and waving… and then if you get a happy reaction, its belly time!

Still enjoy coloring tons, stickers, going on walks, putting blankets on and off your dolls or us “asleep, shhh” and going over speed bumps!

Love you monx!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Someone loves to wash her hands. And play with the faucet.
For hours if we let her!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012