Saturday, June 30, 2012

LACMA for summer jazz

We had fun at the LA County Museum of Art summer concert series yesterday!

Laurel was trying to climb on the installation of historic street lights.

And loved the levitating mass installation. A giant giant rock
suspended on a concrete base where you get to walk under it. She was
screaming "rock!" "big rock" and them wanted to go back again! Again!

Next time I will take more picture!

Great shot!

Martha Benedict captured another cute monkey moment yesterday. It was
the preschooler's graduation.

La Casita's pool party!

We had a blast!!!

Splashing around, playing with friends, ridding wheelies with dah dah
and rocking to a live concert of a kids band called Egg!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Peaches!!!! delicious to the heart!

And we shared the peaches.
It was even better than I had hoped.
One of those magical moments that will forever stay in my heart.

I cut open one, we sat, Laurel on my lap, each with a half in hand. She leaned against me and we ate our peach. Juices dripping down our chin. Observing he expanse view down the canyon with the sky in a peachy color glow of the sun that had just gone down.

You see, up to this point Laurel had said no to all stone fruit (aka pit fruit) we had offered her. I was almost in tears when she, not only ate half, BUT kept asking for more!

"another one"

come fruta, como su abuela Vicky!

We ate all but one! Only cause I told her we had to save one for Dah Dah (who was playing softball last night).

-I'm in love!

Perfect summer dinner

Fresh corn from the farmers market, BBQ chicken (I almost burned them
trying to juggle it all!), cherrie tomatoes form our garden, cucumber
salad and refreshing drink!

Check out Laurels sprinkled bites on the corn.

We had garden peaches for dessert. More on that later!


We grew peaches!!! I remember the first time I sank my teeth into a
peach. I was a kid. I was maybe 4? Or 7? Visiting Tia Clara and Tio
Roberto in Rochester NY. It was juicy, soft, tasty and so amazing!

So when I was pregnant (5 months) I planted a peach, a plum and an
apple on our slope. Dreaming of today! When I get to give Laurel our
very own peaches!!!!

Happy summer!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today's harvest!

Post nap cuteness



Our first plum!
And a tomatillo!

tree ripen :)

Ay! Que agricultora me he dado! Ja ja!

Home "sick"

Looks like Laurel caught a virus that's been going around at her preschool.

She's in perfect mood. Doesn't have a fever. And our pediatrician says
that its not really an issue. But precautions are precautions.

So we are playing with building blocks in the buff! ;)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Funday!

Farmers market and Bucket burgers with Eliot, baby Brooks, mommy Jane,
Colin and Brettany

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tough morning

We had a routine lab test today. As part of the 2 year check up.

It was one of the toughest things we have endured. Yet.

They went to get blood and couldn't find the vein. Poked and poked
around. And nothing! Oh man. Toughest 5 minutes ever. They stopped
and apparently I too had turned white. So I asked them to give us a
few minutes to calm down.

Tried the other arm with relatively more success. But poor Laurel was
not happy. And I had to have her in a right full body grip -holding
her legs with mine, arms around her, holding her head while a second
nurse gilded her arm were blood was being taken from.

After we sat outside in the sun to calm down. And she passed out.
Exhausted. With super red cheeks.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Corn is good for you!

Says one of her favorite song from our neighbor's kid band and she
couldn't wait for us to cook the corn!