Sunday, January 30, 2011

Play before bed

Jeff took this cute picture of Laurel tonight as we took turns making dinner and playing before it was time to go to bed.

She is just cutter by the second! And funny too!

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

i love lamp!

From the movie Anchorman, this quote:

"I love lamp"

could easily be her first words!
It won't be Ron Burgundy, sadly!

But its ok.

Waiting for dad's end of a late week at work stint last friday we stopped for eye candy!

I was afraid she would short circuit, but she enjoyed it well!

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Tooo funny!!!

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Good toys...

But the tupperware container is better!

And yes, she is in an all gray outfit! Designer baby hand-me-downs rock!

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Good girl

Laurel and I picked up some "Vietnamese comfort food" at the local Good girl dinette.

Jeff will be working late all week. So the 2 of us are enjoying our evenings as much as we can.

Laurel was so cute playing with me and sitting on the counter while we waited for our take-out that the packed restaurant was smiling and observing her.
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

siti time

Laurel and I went to do a lil work but ended up playing with Andrew and Milo!

And Laurel finally fits on the awesome onesie Andrew brought her from an artist shop in Buenos Aires.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

First xmas and winter trip

our first winter trip with Laurel was a lot of fun.

we stayed at our friend's Adam and Emily's cabin in 3 rivers.

ventured into sequoia national park in the snow (Laurel's first snow!!)

and then drove across to the pacific ocean to spend a few nights at our usual and favorite area of Morro bay.

it was wonderful!

more pictures? enjoy!

8th month letter

Dear Lady Laurel,

You are a little person now! Not that you weren't before. But now we have come to know more of what you like and dislike. You have sounds that are your words: "eh eh" is give me or take me close to that, basically I want that. "Ah! Ah!" Loud and piercing means I'm tired, bored.  And then your conversations are evolving "dah dah dah" "bau bau bau" and then there is this soft low "dee deee deee" when you are ready to go to bed and you see that we are getting close to start our routine.  

cute as a button with Judy's blanket and bow!

You clap now! Its the cutest thing to see! You do it when you are happy, when you get what you want, when something you see is exciting to you, when you meet someone you like and when any of us walks in the room. 

Your sleep has become predictable, finally, although still in a plus or minus time schedule. You take a long nap after the 9 or 10 am feeding (2hrs at day care, for some reason 1 hour or so at home); another nap in the afternoon, usually after the 3 or 4 pm feeding at day care, but at home you go in between the 1pm and 4 pm feedings. Then bed time is between 7 and 8. And you still sleep thru the night! Please don't change that!!  Usually you make noise at 5 am for 3-5 min. Then wake up between 630-7am. Some nights you make noise almost every 3-4 hours but fall back asleep on your own.

My favorite thing you do, and this is tough as there are so many! Is how you wiggle your body against mine when you are happy, or when you like what you see, also you do it in bed to cuddle, or in the shower! I LOVE IT!

I also love to hear you giggle endlessly with your dad. He can make you laugh like none can!

We are making progress introducing solids to you, in the order prescribed by our pediatrician. But also your dad loves to give you little tastes of our food: hummus, baba ganoush, pinto bean sauce, and catch-up! 

first taste of carrots!

The first time you taste anything you make this face "what are you giving me now". But a second later its "eh eh" meaning more, more!

You love being outside and seeing new places. Its such a treat to take you along to explore the world! 

Crawling is still not happening. But you are getting closer. Although I'm glad you are still not mobil. Man, are we in trouble soon? Its like a train wreck waiting to happen!

Everyone admires how good spirited and happy you are. Its a joy to hang around you. Both your dad and I haven't laugh this much ever, you are just awesome!

We love you chunky monkey!

Morro bay for mom's birthday trip

For my birthday (10.23.2010) Jeff treated us to our first family road trip.

It was a wonderful trip!

Here are some tidbits of that great couple of nights we spent in our beloved Morro Bay area

Enjoying the sunset and complimentary wine+cheese at our arrival

We put the little one on the Ergo carrier and walked from our room for about a mile to the Audubon reserve. We saw a fox, a redtail hawk being attacked by a red shoulder hawk, a belted king fisher, house wren, white pelicans and sanderlings. It was a perfect early morning stroll followed by a decent complimentary breakfast.

We then drove to the Los Osos Oak Reserve, also put Laurel back on the Ergo and went on a wonderful hike thru dense twisting oaks. Our little monkey fell asleep and she was so cute snoring against my chest.

We went to the rock twice and saw the peregrine falcon family both times. Like us they have a little one too. 

On our return we went to one of our favorite spots, the Guadalupe/Oceano dunes and then we made our favorite stop for beer and stake sandwiches in the local Santa Maria style grill at the Far Western Tavern.
happy bar baby!

Finally, you can enjoy the pictures of the whole trip!

Chicks man!

I befriended a graffiti artist who's chicken i adore seeing pop up around our old neighborhood of Echo park and beyond. I met him one afternoon as i drove pass one of his murals and saw someone working on it. That was him! It was like a star sighting for me!

Cache is a well educated, avid reader, politically aware bike messenger who's also a great artist and likes to make you smile as well as send a message out about our society.  I believe graffiti is art, it's a form of expression from the urban life. I do not call tagging graffiti, those mumble jumble of lines that just "claim ownership" of a piece of surface and have no other reason of being but to intimidate and dirty up the city is a whole different thing.

our echo park chickens and peach blossoms

Back in 2001, shortly after I met Cache, I invited him to graffiti on a wall of our back yard garden, in our Echo park duplex (where we rented for over 7 years).   He gave Jeff and I a chicken each (at least that's how i see it!). That graffiti still there, with new owners and renters, which is great! 

Once we bought our home and found ourselves not only without a kitchen but without chickens! We knew what had to be done immediately! (wink)

cache, on a precarious scaffolding we made!

We love our bright colored happy chickens!

Cache is experiencing a rise into fame. He has had art shows in openings in places like Los Angeles and Mexico City.  Recently he re-did the wall where i had originally met him and it caused a lot of attention and excitement to the community.  He had spectators watching all the action and rooting him along with a couple more graffiti artist he invited to partake in the wall.

I'm so happy and proud to be able to say i know and support Cache and his work.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Car play

The arsenal of toys that live in the car is increasing almost daily. Our commute is long and with the new day care Laurel is in the car roughly 20 more minutes. Those 20 minutes are tough, its close to her next feeding, her diaper is saturated (often leaking, I today we have her in a double stuffed one, that should do the trick!) and she is just plane bored and tired of being in the car, plus I'm now on the wheel and not next to her.

But we do love our new day care! It was a good decision to change. Laurel is happier when I pick her up and drop her off too. She has already created a loving bond with Flora.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Summer in January!

Its gorgeous in southern Cali this month!

We are enjoying it a lot... Cross our fingers the actual summer won't be a huge scorcher!

Lynn, the hat is great! And she likes it (at least doesn't take it off!)

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

AB-CD's drummer!

Rocking with 2 spoons!

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first zoo trip!

don't they look great with a baby!

we went to the LA Zoo on a crazy busy and gorgeous Sunday with Eliot and Jane.

not sure you got it. but you got quite animated with the desert tortoise!

we also were so lucky to stumble upon Tim and Dawn and their twins Brody and Cooper!

so cool!

Morning walk

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