Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy! SPRING!

Nothing says "primavera" like a happy poppy meadow! Specially when
you where part of making said meadow!

Happy Spring!

Yay! It's spring!!!!

I got lucky with traffic and picked up Laurel about 20 min early. She
then dragged me to see the train from the station. And since I
happened to have my wallet on me and a little time I said lets take it
for one station!

Lucky us it was farmers market day at the highland park station! Yay!
Which happens to be the oldest fm in LA!

So we picked up some radish and turnips, kale and mandarins. And miss
Aven ate an entire tray of blackberries!

At home she enjoyed the last salami from abuela Vicky's gift and some
fun new reading!

Oh! And that's La Casita Verde as seen from the Southwest museum station.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Black and blue FX

Laurel added some purple make up to take away attention to her head
bump (on her left side of forehead, also has paint so it looks worst.
Not that it isn't bad).

We enjoyed new hand me down books -yay! And an egg tonight!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rainy Saturday

It started as a very low key day. She made herself breakfast, then
the dishes, dad bought her a very flashy hoodie and we celebrated
Pablo's birthday (we are working on the concept). It was fun and

But we had a couple of hiccups. I sliced off the tip of my middle left
finger with a crazy sharp knife (bad form. I should know better) and
the monkey lost balanced and landed on her forehead in the corner of a
kitchen low cabinet. Bang! Immediate goose bump. Huge! Chichón!

We will be fine but the day wasn't do much fun as it had started.

Friday, March 16, 2012


It's the new fascination. And not yet figured it out. Practice makes perfect!


It's. Green month for St Patrick's day at la casita VERDE! They are
playing with green dough adding food color to the yogurt and reading
stories in the lawn. Today they had to wear as much green as possible!

And so this is the best we could do. She was adorable with her tutu!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Looks just like this!

Beets = love!

I took ideas from a recipe that used the entire beet (greens, stems
and the beet) for a risotto and adapted it to a couscous dish. Nice
salmon and avocado on the side and we had the perfect dinner for a
spring with rain on the horizon night!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy 22 month letter monx!

22 months! Count down to 2 years begins now!!!!!!!! Oh my!
You are now making 3 word sentences. Can't remember any but most
likely it's "pablo mine, mami!" or "purple socks, please"
You have tons of personality and melt downs are hilarious!
Best thing about this new month: you are falling asleep on your own!!!
We give you a bath. Pjs. Brush teeth (kind if and usually a struggle)
Read books (like 7 that you flip thru fast!) And then we say good
night to the moon, stars, the neighborhood and the birds in your room.
You cuddle in my shoulder, for a few minutes. I lay you in your crib
and you say bye bye, love you bella, back! I then walk out. I walk
out!!!!! 15 min of cuddling instead on an hour plus of trying to get
you to fall asleep!
Thanks to our friends Raye Ann and Andy for the 1,2,4,8... Minute wait
/check in rule that we never went passed 2! In a few days you were in
dreamy haven miss Aven!
Love you monkey!

Happy 22 months!

Eres una chulería divina!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday rituals

Laurel and I enjoyed a very civilized breakfast cheering with our tea
cups (her is really a cold remedy) and a bowl of yogurt, granola and

We all then went to the farmers market and had a happy chocolate cookie treat!


We had our first California poppy (the state flower) open this
weekend. Laurel picked it up as soon as we got close enough to admire

The self sowing arugula is blooming with tall white flowers that have
cool brown veining And looked awesome next to the dark purple aeonium

The plum is flowering in white too and the peach hot pink blooms are
starting to fade.

The native purple verbena is attracting butterflies.

Long day!

It was a summer-like Saturday.

Laurel has her own veggie reusable bag. Hopefully she can sport it at
the farmers market tomorrow.

La Casita Verde had a volunteer garden and classroom clean up day that
we helped.

Then the little one skipped her nap and fell asleep watching Winnie
the Pooh! 6 pm!

woke up at 9 pm (bed time) and hung out with us, dinner, watching a movie and being funny!!

our little friend!
